Thursday, August 13, 2009

Using Colors to your Advantage

Most often in our creative process, we tend to gravitate towards lots and lots of loud colors and wild fonts to ensure our customer is attracted to our site, logo, design, advertisement. But we make a very common mistake when the majority of our pages or ads are loud colors (i.e. Orange, Red, Green, Blue) While initially these colors will attract a viewers attention to your design, your message and purpose tend to get lost in translation. If everything is saying "look here", "no here", "hey over here", then your failing to directed them to the main content of your design. We suggest that when using loud colors, you do so only to highlight the focus or focal points of your design. Leave the rest of the content to be covered in neutral earth tones. My general rule of thumb is, if I would not put it on the walls of my home, it should be used sparingly! By following this simple process, you will ensure your viewer can follow and absorb the proper content.

Thanks so much, if you would like to know more please visit

Dustin Bosscher
Creative Direction
Bosscher Design

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