Friday, August 7, 2009

How to balance graphics and flash on your site

A website is much more than just good graphics and color, it's defining who you are and what you do. Finding the right balance between flash and content is key, while maintaining the fluidity and ease of your site is essential. In order to portray a professional image, all of the your companies identity pieces should have a consistent look and feel. When designing identity systems, Bosscher Design( )chooses to establish an overall "brand" that reflects the values and industry of each client, as well as, appeal to your target market. This of all the huge corporations such as Coka Cola, Burger King etc. That if you were to only see a color and a font type, you would instantly be able to identify it as that companies identity.
When adding flash to your site, it is crusial that it is done in such a way, not to interfere with a viewer's experience. Flash animation should enhance a viewer's time on your site, not distract them from finding what they are looking for. Have you ever been to a site that has video's, flash, and many moving pieces? It can be distracting and either turn a viewer away from the site or confuse them on how to navigate correctly.

Generally, if you are trying create or re-design your website, take causing with large graphics and the use of flash. Start with identifying your company identity and work forward from there.

Thanks so much

For more information, please contact

Dustin Bosscher
President of Bosscher Design
(517) 518-2415

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