Thursday, August 20, 2009

Skypecap: Cheap videocasting alternative

Have you ever wanted to save your Skype sessions so that you could see or hear them again later or share them with someone else? Have you ever missed information during a session and wish that you had a rewind button? Skype cap is a very cheap alternative to those expensive video recording and video casting software packages. Online audio conversations, one-to-one interviews, online conference, on the phone recordings are all the rage now that a large number Internet users can tap into broadband. SkypeCap allows audio conversation recording from Skype! With a significant increase in Internet speed and amount of data that can be rapidly transferred, downloading a multi-megabyte video file is not something reserved to a few anymore.

Normally I wouldn't advertise for a company like this, but this product is excellent when it comes to capturing your skype meetings. This could also be used to host a like Skype webinar and then post your video at a later date for those who couldn't attend.

Thanks so much

Dustin Bosscher
Creative Direction
Bosscher Design

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Using Colors to your Advantage

Most often in our creative process, we tend to gravitate towards lots and lots of loud colors and wild fonts to ensure our customer is attracted to our site, logo, design, advertisement. But we make a very common mistake when the majority of our pages or ads are loud colors (i.e. Orange, Red, Green, Blue) While initially these colors will attract a viewers attention to your design, your message and purpose tend to get lost in translation. If everything is saying "look here", "no here", "hey over here", then your failing to directed them to the main content of your design. We suggest that when using loud colors, you do so only to highlight the focus or focal points of your design. Leave the rest of the content to be covered in neutral earth tones. My general rule of thumb is, if I would not put it on the walls of my home, it should be used sparingly! By following this simple process, you will ensure your viewer can follow and absorb the proper content.

Thanks so much, if you would like to know more please visit

Dustin Bosscher
Creative Direction
Bosscher Design

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Using iRise to Save Time and Money

iRise is a rapid prototyping tool that allows for viewing applications and websites before they are developed. iRise can also track and record requirements and change requests. When you host a client meeting, you can build a very basic (wireframe) prototype and get approval before spending any time in development, thus saving re-work time.
iRise gives you the ability to quickly make changes within that very same meeting, to show the client that you understand their vision.

"Visualization from iRise is now the standard for how forward-thinking companies define business software"

In the future on this blog, we will discuss different techniques for using iRise successfully and how to avoid pit falls in creating prototypes.

For more information, please visit our site or give us a call.

Thanks so much.

Dustin Bosscher
Creative Director
(517) 518-2415

Friday, August 7, 2009

How to balance graphics and flash on your site

A website is much more than just good graphics and color, it's defining who you are and what you do. Finding the right balance between flash and content is key, while maintaining the fluidity and ease of your site is essential. In order to portray a professional image, all of the your companies identity pieces should have a consistent look and feel. When designing identity systems, Bosscher Design( )chooses to establish an overall "brand" that reflects the values and industry of each client, as well as, appeal to your target market. This of all the huge corporations such as Coka Cola, Burger King etc. That if you were to only see a color and a font type, you would instantly be able to identify it as that companies identity.
When adding flash to your site, it is crusial that it is done in such a way, not to interfere with a viewer's experience. Flash animation should enhance a viewer's time on your site, not distract them from finding what they are looking for. Have you ever been to a site that has video's, flash, and many moving pieces? It can be distracting and either turn a viewer away from the site or confuse them on how to navigate correctly.

Generally, if you are trying create or re-design your website, take causing with large graphics and the use of flash. Start with identifying your company identity and work forward from there.

Thanks so much

For more information, please contact

Dustin Bosscher
President of Bosscher Design
(517) 518-2415