Monday, May 16, 2011

How to increase Google Search Ranking

Google Page Rank is the star and everyone talks about how to increase it. However it is updated at long intervals of three to four months or even later. What is more practical is for the site to come first in the results page returned by Google to queries from viewers. When your site/blog comes up in the first few results then there is a rapid rise in traffic to your site..........


When a viewer enters a word or query in a search engine box it returns thousands of sites which have that word in them. Typically viewers will only see the first few pages and click on the first few links only. Your Search Rank is the number of your site in the list which appears in the Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs).

This rank depends on what keyword has been entered in the search box. When you optimize your site for a keyword it will rise in the list and appear in the first few pages. This is known as Search Engine Optimization (SEO).


You can check the Search Rank of your site for a particular keyword by entering that word in the search box of any engine and counting how many positions your site is from the top in the results returned.

You can also check your Search Rank for a particular keyword at Speedtester


1. Titles should contain your keywords. Research your keywords properly before applying them.

2. Put keywords in metatags.

3. Put your keywords in post titles and in bolded headings within the post.

4. Use keywords in alt tags for images. Use lists within your posts.

5. Make your post titles into readable links by enabling post pages in Settings---->Archiving.

6. Submit sitemap to Google.

7. Ping all the search engines after publishing a post using Multipinger sites.

8. Get site code validated for XHTML and CSS.

9. Make your site faster to load by putting less posts on the main page. Settings------>Formatting------->Show __ posts on main page.

10. Lastly SEO should be undertaken after all content has been added to the site and is a cyclical process without an end.

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