Monday, January 25, 2010

Web and Graphic Design for Small Business

We all would like to land that "BIG" client to pay our entire salary for a year, but if we are all honest the majority of our business comes from the smaller business owners. As such, I think we as web and graphic designers, should show special appreciation for these people. I live and work near the Detroit, MI area.. more specifically Brighton-Howell, MI. I'm finding that even in a down economy, people are investing in the future of their companies. Small business owners and ever new start up companies are coming to Bosscher Design with new projects. Working in the web and graphic design field for over eight years now, I'm continuing to see a gradual up-tick in work every year, regardless of economy. I think small business is finally seeing that the internet is the future of their company and unless they have a presences online, they will soon disappear. But simply having a website that looks good is not enough anymore. You have to optimize it for SEO (search engine optimization). This includes things like page titles, keywords, key descriptions, and page names. When these things are working correctly, a finely tuned site can draw in customers and bring in business. The SEO work pervasively mentioned however, is only 25% of what makes your website get noticed. The other 75% is don off-page, through blogs like this, facebook, twitter and other social media outlets. Gaining links that point to your site are maybe the most important aspect of SEO. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me

Thanks so much

Dustin Bosscher
Creative Direction
Bosscher Design